Welcome to the Reviewer Spotlight, where dedicated book reviewers share their thoughts on reading and reviewing historical fiction! Today's guest is Marg!
Why do you read historical fiction?
I love being able to eavesdrop on events in history – the sights, sounds, tastes and smells all come to life in the hands of a skilled author!
What are you reading now?
The Tory Widow by Christine Blevins in anticipation of reading the follow up book, The Turning of Anne Merrick for a blog tour!
What makes a great read for you?
I love books that you get lost in, that you just can’t put down even if it 2am. The characters are compelling, the events portrayed are interesting and the writing draws you into the world that the book is set in.
Where do you stand on the fact vs. fiction debate within the genre?
I prefer that the author stick to the known fact as much as possible, but I am willing to forgive some creative licence where it moves the story forward. If the author has changed major events though, there should be a good author’s note which highlights those changes.
Are there any subjects that are overdone?
It would have to be a book that is getting rave reviews for me to read something that is Tudor-related!
Are there any subjects you’d like to see more of?
There are certain characters that I don’t understand why there hasn’t been more fiction about. Some examples would be Florence Nightingale and Catherine the Great. I recently read about her, but the book was 20-30 years old and there hasn’t been much written about her in the meantime. I would also love to read something about Prince Rupert of the Rhine
Do you read any of these historical fiction sub-genres: mystery, inspirational, fantasy, romance? Why or why not?
The only sub-genre that I don’t really read out of that list is inspirational. I will read all of the others!
What’s the last historical fiction book you read and loved?
The last couple are The Rose Garden by Susanna Kearsley (sigh!) and Lady of the English by Elizabeth Chadwick.
What’s your favorite time period to read about?
I have several favourite periods to read about! I am instantly drawn towards anything with a WWII setting, I love reading about the court of Charles II, enjoy medieval novels, books set in France and Russia. Actually I am not all that fussy about setting. If it’s historical then I am generally happy to give the setting a go.
Who are your favorite historical fiction authors?
Elizabeth Chadwick, Diana Gabaldon, Susanna Kearsley.
How often do you read?
I read every day. Generally I read on the train each day on the way to and from work, and then I read for a little while each night before I go to bed.
Do you read print books, ebooks, or both? Which is your preference?
I am happy to read both, especially seeing as I am running out of bookshelf room and my house constantly looks like it is overrun by books!
Where do you post your reviews?
I post my reviews at my own blog at Adventures of an Intrepid Reader and for my historical fiction reviews at Historical Tapestry. I also try to post at Goodreads, but sometimes forget.
Do you write a review for every book you read?
No. I used to try to when I first started blogging but after a couple of years I realised that I was always completely stressed out by always feeling behind. These days I review what I review. I do try to review all the books that I have an obligation to do so, but I also am conscious that I don’t want to be constantly feeling pressure from my blogging!
Do you read other reviews of a book you’ve read before you write yours?
Sometimes. Most of the time I set up a post in draft with the cover and synopsis, write notes as soon as I have finished to give my initial reactions and then flesh those thoughts out when I get around to actually writing the full review (if I do). Occasionally though I will have read other reviews that either prompted me to pick the book up in the first place or to refresh my memory.
Thanks for stopping by, Marg!
Check out Marg's blogs, Adventures of an Intrepid Reader and Historical Tapestry, and find her on Goodreads! Stay tuned for more Reviewer Spotlights!