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New Book Release: The Forgotten Tudor Women: Anne Seymour, Jane Dudley & Elisabeth Parr

Please join me in congratulating Sylvia Barbara Soberton on the publication of her newest nonfiction book, The Forgotten Tudor Women: Anne Seymour, Jane Dudley & Elisabeth Parr. I had the privilege of offering Sylvia some copyediting assistance on this intriguing glimpse into the lives of women who played supporting roles in some of England's biggest moments. Here's the book description:

Anne Seymour, Jane Dudley, and Elisabeth Parr all have their own unique stories to tell. Born into the most turbulent period of England’s history, these women’s lives interplayed with the great dramas of the Tudor age, and their stories deserve to be told independently of their husbands. 

Anne Seymour served all of Henry VIII’s six wives and brushed with treason more than once, but she died in her bed as a wealthy old matriarch. Jane Dudley was a wife and mother who fought for her family until her last breath. Elisabeth Parr, sister-in-law of Queen Katherine Parr, married for love and became Elizabeth I’s favorite lady-in-waiting.

The Tudor age was a hazardous time for ambitious women: courtly life exposed them to “pride, envy, indignation, scorning and derision,” executions were part of everyday life, death in childbirth was a real possibility, and plagues sweeping regularly through the country could wipe out entire generations of families. Yet Anne, Jane, and Elisabeth lived through all this and left their indelible marks on history. It’s high time for these women’s stories to be heard.

The Forgotten Tudor Women: Anne Seymour, Jane Dudley & Elisabeth Parr is available now in ebook and print format on Amazon and Amazon UK, and you can add it to your shelves on Goodreads!

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